Notice of the General Shareholders’ Meeting of RTS
Madrid, May 26, 2023
Dear Shareholders:
As agreed by the Board of Directors of the entity, we hereby call the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of RIESGOS TASACIONES Y SERVICIOS, S.A. to be held at the registered office on June 29, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. on a single call, in accordance with the following agenda:
- Examination and approval, as the case may be, of the Annual Accounts and the Management Report corresponding to the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022.
- Examination and approval, as the case may be, of the proposal for the application of the result corresponding to the year ended December 31, 2022.
- Examination and approval, as the case may be, of the management of the Administrative Body during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022.
- Extension, if applicable, of the appointment of the statutory auditors.
- Approval, if applicable, of the maximum amount of directors’ remuneration for the fiscal year 2023.
- Approval, as the case may be, of the acquisition of the Company’s own share portfolio.
- Express delegation of powers for the execution, formalization and elevation to public deed of the resolutions adopted.
- Questions and answers.
- Reading and approval, as the case may be, of the minutes of the meeting.
Attendance at the General Meeting may be in person or by telematic means (video conference). Telematic connection details shall be provided sufficiently in advance.
In accordance with the provisions of art. 272 of the Capital Companies Act, shareholders may obtain from the Company the documents comprising the annual accounts submitted for approval as well as, if applicable, the management report and the auditor’s report.
Confirmation of attendance or representation is requested.